Board number display
Ready display
Dealer (N S E W) indicator (white)
Vulnerability indicators (4 triangles – 0, 2 or 4 shown)
Bridge+More Select+ Dealer specifications and weight
Size – 245 * 245* 60 millimetres. (76 millimetres high including the height of the handle)
The Select+ Dealer has a functional simple design – with a plastic casing and is much lighter, at 1.2 kilos, than the Premium dealer version.
A dealer is both a card dealer and a reader of the played cards sequence.
We recommend the Select dealer for club usage and for Social games especially if you will transport the dealer.
The Premium and the Select+ dealers have the same technical basis and both are based upon the first bridge dealer version from 2017 (now labelled the Classic dealer). The Select+ dealer was launched in 2022 in accordance with our continued efforts to improve and continuously add new features to the Bridge+More solution, The improvements can be seen at the right of this page, We have also developed new firmware for this dealer.
$ 399.99 Prices shown incl. local VAT for EU countries